I received sms from Ainun, it goes like this.

Ainun: Hie Hawa,... This Sat kau dapat jumpe kite semua kat simei, cuz aku nak tgk anak kau tu mesti cute.....

Hawa: Siape2 yang ade.

Ainun:Aku, Halim, Firdaus, Zarima,Mardiana, sumarni n maybe noriza jugak,

Hawa: Ok lah boleh, kau confirm aku time k.

Ainun: Ok sure n btw sekarang kau keje mane.

N bla bla bla abt my work place. So how should i go or not?? Confrim giler dorang terkejut tengok aku kan. 1st dah gemuk, 2nd, HAWA PAKAI TUDUNG!!!! Hawa yang dorang kenal dulu very the wild seh. Tapi manusia kan berubah. Im very proud of what i am now. Althought tak lah glamour ker, jambu giler ker, kaya giler ker, ape2 lah. Im just happy with wat i am now. With my husband n my princess. Im looking forward for the meeting actually. Tapi macam jam gitu, nak cakap aper? Nak berbual aper? Hawa tak boleh giler macam time sekolah dulu per. So how?

Maybe i should ask noriza along. Then i wont feel too awkward. Should bring our husband along as well. Hmmm hope it gonna be fun!