I received a call from my mom ard 2+pm. Just after i came back from lunch. Shocking like wat. Its my mom. She told me Balqis sunddenly fall sick, hight fever, vomit, n the balck eye ball roll up. Only the white eyes can been seen. I feel like fainted.... My heart beat very fast, luckly i got no heart problem if not ah... Game liou!Aniway, i force my mom to bring balqis to KKH, I call my sister to help mom. So she so fast seh, 5 mins she in the cab take mom n balqis den off to KKH. Reach there abt 2.45pm. Balqis state quite bad as mention by my sister. She close her eyes, but not sleeping. She just dont feel like to see the surrounding. Me at werk tak tentu arah, nak balik takde orang nak cover, kak rina pun takde. HP semua belum buat. Ya'Allah only HE noe how i feel inside. I cant control myself but to cry at the corner. I call2 hazli cannot go thru. Hazli go friday prayer n forget to switch on back his mobile. I get hold on him ard 3pm. Den i feel a bit released after talking to him. He told me he call my sister n balqis a bit better. Open up her eyes, n being herself already.

I ask my mom wat happen, how it happen, when it happen.. Mom told me she told balqis to HDB the got one of this makci sudeendly from no where go to balqis n say " GEMUK NYE BUDAK NIE, CANTIK PULA TU, BADAN BESAR, MAKAN BERAS APER!!! "" kan mulut taik ayam tu. So its kinf of terkene mata kot. I dunno if you guys believe it or not. But i guess its true.

Anyway rushing to fetch hazli n straight to KKH. No updates abt my princess yet..