Days pass so fast. Its bees a few days last i update my blog. So many things happen n it happen so fast. That past saturday was really a shocking sat. It actually goes like this, im on leave on Fri(30th Jan 09), packed hazli stuff for him to go KL. Ard 4pm hazli kol that he hav to cancel the KL trip because he have to fly to Jakarta for business trip as instructed by his boss. He have no other choices but to except it.

To cut the story short hazli kol me at ard 3+pm on sat to packed our stuff, (me, balqis & mom) and off to KL. It really happen very fast. I reach JB ard 5pm and we reach KL 7.30pm. No stops!!! Imagine that. Oh sorry, he only stop at Paggor to go toilets. Den guess who we saw???

Arash... Fav Actor!!!

He soo cool. So humble , so hendsem... n he hav a ver sweet wife too. Beside him is my mother lah of course she the most kecoh... We took a few picture tapi blur lah. This is the best i can put. He too on the way back toKL from batu pahat. Ade jemputan katanye. Ish ish hensem nye. Terbayang bayang seh. After dat short excitment, we drove all straight to KL. Reach kak long house ard 8+pm. Den go to pengantin house, That night i went to karaoke with hazli n the gang. I guess a total of 10 men n i am the only gerls...Fuyooo... Hehehe alah semua sedara lah. Abg2 hazli n sepupu hazli. Best giler. I really enjoy myself, cause i never hav the chance to go out wheneven i go KL. Cause i hav to look after Balqis. Since my mom follow, aper lagi ambil kesempatan lah hawa. After karaoke we went to late supper. Eat prata, den i saw i another malaysia artist i forget his name but he is 70an singer. Hahaha.

The next day morning we went to Selayang Market, best juga. Banyak barang murah2. But too bad nak kene budjet pasal tak bawa enough cash. I bought selendang, kasut, most of the thing is balqis things. Dats it abt the pasar. Back hom, den ard 1pm we pack our stuff n off to pengantin house. We left the pengantin house to Busu melah house, den we supposed to back SINGAPORE. But this abg ude wife (kak nora) want to eat kupang at MALAKA, so he bring us all to MALAKA. Punye lah dalam tempat dia. Kita jalan dari MALAKA kul 10pm tak giler tu. Tapi enjoy juga lah. Den our way back hom kereta blakang drive by one of hazli brother saw "that things" flying. Eeee. Seram,..

Finally we reach singapore at 4am. Wash up, den Zzzzzz... Panjang lebar cerita aku. Takper overall ENJOY!!!