me at home now. Damn tired seh. Taking off today. Dunno wat make me so tired. I went to bishan last nite. Tak buat aper2 pun. Mungkin tak cukup tidur. The last few days balqis selalu tidur lambat. Den kul 6 dah bangun. Mungkin dats the reason why i always feel so tired. Sometimes not enough sleep also can lead you to fever, headache. True!

Balqis dah semakin active. Taknak duduk diam. Letak jer dia bergolek. Taknak org dukung. Konon nak bergerak sendiri lah tu. Dah sembilan bulan pun balqis. Cepat kan. Tak perasan pun. I can see that balqis is so lonely. She either have my mother or bishan mother. When me n hazli off to work. how i wish i dont have to work anymore. So i can spent most of my time with her. But i dont think is stabilise for me to quit my job rite now. With the economy so bad. Here n there all the price increase. Nvm i just need to stay n be patience with the job i have now.

Ngantuk already... Darrr... continue later. Bye!